Key Finding 6: Georgia Saw Second Highest Number of Deals, while Deal Size Declines


Georgia’s total invested capital in 2018 was $2.33 billion, according to CB Insights – down 43% from 2017. This year, the state experienced a high volume of deals, with smaller deal sizes. Deal volume only decreased 8% from 279 to 254, bring the total number of deals to the second highest since we began tracking in 2012. However, deal size declined from an average of $14.66M to $9.17M.

Technology leaders continue to find that Georgia’s cost of living, proximity to the international airport, quality of life and local universities are strengths when it comes to raising capital in Georgia. This year, quality of life moved up on the list, accounting for 11.96%.

The primary weaknesses that Georgia faces to raise capital include: excessive traffic (15.27%), limited investor VC/ PE community (14.75%), lack of early stage investment support (12.86%) and competition from other markets (12.69%).

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